My Name is: Barry Caplin
I’m currently: 38
and reside in: Queensland, Australia.
My Interests:
Anime, Science Fiction (especially Star Trek), Reading, PHP Programming.
Other useless Info:
- Favourite Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
- Favourite Colour: Black
- Favourite Movie: Back to the Future Trilogy
- Favourite Game: Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
- Favourite Song: Kenny Rogers: Coward of the County
- Favourite Band: The Beatles
- Favourite Music: 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and Foster & Allen
- Favourite TV Series: Star Trek (Original, TNG & Voyager), 24, Stargate SG-1, N.C.I.S.
- Dislikes: Power Blackouts!!! (and not having enough money)
- Favourite Media Player: WinAMP
- Current Browser: Firefox 52 ESR & Google Chrome
- Current Phone/PDA: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 512GB + Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classic
- Current Car: VW Golf V GTI (2.0T 6-Spd Manual) & 1993 Ford Capri XR-2 Turbo (1.6L 5-Speed Manual)
- Favourite Gaming Platform: PC
- Programming Languages: HTML, PHP and Object Pascal
- Tools of the Trade: Notepad+, Zend Studio & Borland Delphi XE3